About Dr Sharky
Dr Diane Szarkowicz knows that her surname is a bit tricky to read, remember and say. The easiest way to pronounce it is Shark-o-vitch. To make it all a bit easier to remember her nickname is Dr Sharky.
Dr Sharky has helped school age children for over 20 years in classrooms and clinics. She has also supported groups such as teachers, foster carers and police with topics like childhood anxiety, working memory and child development. Dr Sharky is based in Darwin, Northern Territory, at Thinking advantage.
Dr Szarkowicz is a registered psychologist (PSY0000956099). She has written internationally referred books and research papers about working with school aged children. These include the Australian Observations and Reflections in Childhood, which had a Lithuanian edition funded through the EU Social Fund Grant, and was used as a professional development text for teachers in Lithuania.
Referrals and recommendations to see Dr Sharky
School aged children can see Dr Sharky with or without a referral. Sometimes when children are being assessed for a learning concern (e.g., "dyslexia", ADHD) they have already seen a paediatrician and have a formal referral. However, this is not always the case and sometimes children attend based on the recommendation of school staff, or because a parent and/or carer is concerned. Any of these processes are okay.
Appointments with Dr Sharky
Dr Sharky is based at Thinking advantage in Darwin. In addition to face to face consultations she runs online services (e.g., telehealth) with children across Australia.